Corporate legal services – legal advice for large entities and corporate groups

KPDI Law Office has been providing legal services to large companies and corporate groups for many years. Our role is to ensure that the corporate authorities comply with the wide-ranging corporate documentation. Moreover, we advise on developing internal regulations for corporate groups aimed at maintaining the principles of corporate governance within the holding structures.

Advisory services for corporate authorities

Any daily operations of corporate authorities composed of several members require organizational support. In many cases the assistance of a professional lawyer is necessary. The rules of convening meetings, adopting resolutions, conducting meetings or issuing proper records of such meetings are only some instances where legal issues occur.

Corporate governance

Whenever a large entity is divided into many companies, an effective system of monitoring their activities needs to be implemented. However, the first step to guarantee that the management boards of subordinated companies perform in accordance with the owner’s will is to develop clear rules of procedure, namely all types of internal regulations which jointly create the groups’ unique corporate governance system.

Commissions and committees
Quite often when it comes to investments and financial matters, corporate groups centralise the decision-making process. Special purpose committees are created to monitor the sphere of major expenditure which could affect the group’s consolidated result. Such internal bodies perform in accordance with rules which need to be developed and interpreted with lawyers’ support.

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