Competition and consumer protection – consultancy by KPDI
The role of the Law Office is to guarantee that any agreements entered into by our Clients comply with the principles of fair competition and do not infringe collective interests of consumers.
Unfair competition
Unfair competition could take many forms, examples being among others unfair advertisement, inciting staff to leave for another employer, disclosing protected business secrets. Such actions may lead to liability for damages.
Our Law Office has successfully advised on this type of issues for many years.
Abuse of a dominant position
Competition protection lies in the area of interest of Polish and EU anti-monopoly authorities. Their function is to counteract various forms of abuse of a dominant position on the market, such as for instance imposing unfair prices or sharing of market according to territorial criteria.
Our Law Office handles also this type of issues.
It should be remembered that the area of competition and consumer rights protection is not exclusive for dominant market players.
Agreements restrictive of competition
A typical form of infringement of competition protection are all types of collusion aimed at or resulting in breach of fair competition rules. Such agreements may for instance lead to restricting market access or elimination from the market of third parties. Any price collusion or sharing of market, or collaboration on determining terms and conditions of tenders filed in public procurement procedure is prohibited. There are many more of this type of agreements.
Concentration of companies
Competition and consumer protection is also reflected in the control over concentration of companies. While concentration may consist in, for instance, concentrating shares in competitive companies, the market may face its consequences even if only one company is acquired by another.
The role of the Law Office is to represent its Clients in proceedings conducted before anti-monopoly authorities while notifying of the intention to concentrate.